Mission Partnership Information


Legal Information:


The Good Samaritan Society of America is a non-governmental, public supported non-profit  organization registered under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and Corporate Charter Number IN-162 and Chapter 317A of the State of Minnesota in the USA.


The Nigeria Mission outreach of the Society—The Good Samaritan Society Mission is registered as a non-governmental organization (NGO) under the Federal Republic of Nigeria Companies and Allied Matters Decree No. 1 of 1990.  For the purpose of providing in general charitable, educational, health care services and other eleemosynary services to all humanity regardless of their religion, gender, race, creed or ethnic origin.


Background information:


The Good Samaritan Society Mission Project:  The mission village is located in an economically depressed area that carries with it the scars of years of corrupt military rule.  The Good Samaritan Society of America is bringing hope to this African country and the people of the Fiditi area through this mission project.  Three components of this project are planned at this time.


Phase one:  Christian Community Center - this building resembles a church in structure and layout, but will be used as a conference center, teaching facility for computer classes, and a library.  This building has kitchen and dining facilities.  


Phase two:  Medical Center - The construction has begun on this 126 room hospital.  The hospital will have capacity for surgeries and recovery.  The facility will contain opportunities for natives to eventually assume responsibilities for nursing and hospital positions.  The doctors and nurses would be trained continually through partnerships with U.S. hospitals and colleges.


Phase three:  A School - The school is in the process of organizational strategies and curriculum development.  At the center of the educational experience will be the study of music and computer technology.  This school will be a model where Christian values are taught and modeled.  This environment will include vocational training along with computer and technical instruction.




Grace Evangelical Free Church, through its missions committee, has established a partnership with The Good Samaritan Society of America and has adopted this mission as a central focus of our mission’s ministry.  The Good Samaritan Society of America is seeking other area churches to partner by committing both financial and personnel resources for this mission outreach.  We believe people will take ownership of this mission through thoughts, prayers, labor and finances.  We feel that this opportunity allows people involvement with every aspect of the mission at a grassroots level.  We highly encourage short-term mission trips to assist in projects for this village.  We feel that when church members commit to visiting and working alongside the people of Nigeria, a better understanding of the needs takes place and personal ownership occurs.  We want to invite congregations to investigate this partnership opportunity!


We would encourage churches to pursue a three - year commitment financially, but in addition, we want congregations to commit to sending two or more individuals for short term mission trips dealing with construction, computer networking and teaching, training people for various duties, health training, first aid, etc.  Our goal is twofold; to have individuals use their expertise in areas that would help the mission and the individuals to experience a new culture.  The people of Grace EFC have experienced tremendous growth and we know that when people get involved by working with these projects and travel to the mission village, the project becomes a part of them.


The impact that this mission has had on Nigeria has been immeasurable.  The mission is striving to become a place where Christian values are modeled.  The mission has employed many local people, which has spread the financial benefits to many more people throughout the region and all of Nigeria as well.  The Nigerian government has been supportive of this mission, because it has shown them that caring for people’s needs is being accomplished and thus, raises the level of success in Nigeria as a whole.  Our mission is a model that will continue to reach the people of Nigeria through these partnership opportunities.


Grace Evangelical Free Church of Fridley has made the commitment to the work in Fiditi, Nigeria.  We are involved with the Good Samaritan Society of America and are encouraging other churches to experience the significant power of God through this partnership opportunity.  The people of Grace who have become involved in this ministry to the Nigerian people have been changed in profound ways.  Mission involvement and giving at Grace have increased.  As a result, greater concern for outreach in our own area has grown.  In 2001, the Grace Chorale and Orchestra (61 people) went to the mission village for concerts and work.  The impact was significant for both the Americans and the Nigerians.  One Nigerian minister said, “we have received money and materials that were sent by people in the U.S., but this is the first time that they have sent their people.” Many Nigerians were amazed that these Americans would give up their time, money, and comfort to be with the Nigerian people. 


Long-term Goals


The long-term objectives of our ministry are:


1)    Collaborative working relationships in the form of a partnership.

2)    Short-term missionary support program to the mission village in the form of personnel to teach in the mission for three - six months to one year.

3)    Complete all facilities at the mission center within five years.


We believe that God is calling all of us to unite together to spiritually turn Nigeria around for Christ.  This is our time, and “as we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” (Galatians 6:10)



Yes!  We would like to commit to a partnership over a three-year period with The Good Samaritan Society of America through our Missions committee.


We desire to (check blanks that apply):


_____  Support with prayer.


_____  Support with both financial and personnel commitment over a 3-year period of time.


_____  Support with a one-time payment of $_________.


_____  Support with personnel for a short-term mission trip to help with

            The Good Samaritan Society of America’s missions project


_____  Support with monthly amount of $________.



Please make checks payable to The Good Samaritan Society of America.

Mail check and this form to:


The Good Samaritan Society of America

C/O Tom Tillberry

1953 University Avenue West

St. Paul, MN  55104


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